Month of Gratitude - Trying to Stay Positive

sisterSTAFF Blog

Month of Gratitude - Trying to Stay Positive

I am generally a very upbeat person. I try to stay positive in all aspects of my life: personal, work, diabetes. But sometimes, I find myself exhausted, sad, and in my mind, to crawl into bed and hide under the covers. Today is the first of the month -  the first day of the upbeat holiday season that brings us to reflect on the year and set goals for the coming year.

For me, this year has been full of changes, obstacles and challenges. I have struggled to find a proper work-life balance, coordinated two Weekend for Women Conferences in Washington, DC, and Los Angeles, witnessed both my parents experience surgeries in their 70s, worked with my husband to figure out a happy home life with our son, and managed my diabetes. As we enter this holiday season, I am exhausted: physically and mentally. I am proud of this year and all that has been accomplished, but I am having a very hard time keeping things in perspective and maintaining a positive attitude.

I fear this will impact my home life, work life, and health. And right now, I need the support of my DiabetesSisters. I have had the honor of meeting many of you in person and hope that my work with DiabetesSisters has impacted you in a positive way. Now, I hope I can count on you to support me in the same way. Please help me to find gratitude for the wonderful things in my life and even for the obstacles that I face on my journey.

Thank you for your patience as I work my way out of this dark hole.


Thanks, Claire, for your kind words. I am feeling better.... but not my best. I am working on taking some quiet time for myself. Hugs!
annatnorton's picture
Submitted by annatnorton on Mon, 11/03/2014 - 1:22pm