Increase Your Physical Activity in 2024

Spoken or unspoken, we typically have goals for ourselves, and the new year is a popular time to evaluate and decide what we’d like to accomplish in 2024. Goals are more likely to be completed if they are established and identified. We can set long-term goals and daily personal goals, but we tend to do well with measurable goals. If you are feeling particularly motivated to get more physical activity, you aren’t alone. Early in January, gyms are loaded, but the numbers quickly go down by late January. This is entirely understandable. We aspire to be healthy, but life is complicated, busy, and often overwhelming.
The great thing about physical activity is it can also help with diabetes management if we sustain it. With that in mind, here are my top tips to stay on track with your activity-related goals:
Write your goals down and cross them off when you accomplish them.
Include supportive people in your plans to help keep you motivated.
Include your healthcare provider in your health-related goals. They may have recommendations that can help.
Be patient with progress, start with small goals and work up.
Small daily goals lead to long-term changes and improvements. Some great diabetes-related daily goals include being more vigilant with carb counts, shooting for a specific time in range, and focusing more on pre-bolus timing (if you use mealtime insulin). Remember to give yourself grace on the tough days and be proud of yourself on the good ones.
Happy 2024, make this a year for you!
Kathryn Gentile, ACSM-CEP, ACSM EIM level 2, CPT, Sports Nutritionist, DCES, B.S. Exercise Physiology, M.S. Clinical Exercise Physiology is a Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist Coach, and holds a level two Exercise is Medicine credential. She received her Bachelor of Science from Ave Maria University and is currently a Masters student studying Clinical Exercise Physiology at West Chester University of PA. Kathryn works at Integrated Diabetes Services as an Exercise Physiologist and provides one-on-one guidance for patients looking for individualized exercise plans. Connect with Kathryn on Instagram at @kathryngentile, and follow Integrated Diabetes on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.