DiabetesSisters proud partner with AWHP and the EveryBODYCovered Campaign

DiabetesSisters is thrilled to partner with the new #EveryBODYCovered campaign to support women’s health by ensuring that everybody has coverage for comprehensive #obesity care.
Obesity is a chronic disease that impacts the health and well-being of more than 1 in 3 American women, including 57% of Black women and 44% of Hispanic women. Even though obesity is associated with over 200 other health conditions, less than half of employers currently cover anti-obesity medications, Medicare does not provide coverage for them and just 16 state Medicaid programs cover them.
Along with other leading voices in the health care community, DiabetesSisters will be advocating for coverage for obesity care by:
- Empowering women of diverse backgrounds to use their voices to share their journeys and advocate for coverage
- Urging employers, insurers, and elected officials to ensure coverage for the full range of evidence-based obesity care
- Advocating for the passage of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act to ensure seniors have access to obesity treatments
Learn more at everybodycovered.org and follow @EveryBODY Covered and the @Alliance for Women’s Health and Prevention.