Resources Case Studies

AACE Diabetes Technology Patient Map: DS’s Voice Of a PWD guides the journey


DiabetesSisters is proud to represent the person living with diabetes perspective through the technology journey working with AACE to deliver this important guide to the community of people living with diabetes.

The AACE, Patient Journey of Diabetes Technology, is a valuable guide to for diabetes technology options.

“You have diabetes.” Whether you heard this from your healthcare professional a while ago or very recently, it’s a diagnosis that can leave you feeling overwhelmed. However, you don’t have to be defined by your diagnosis. You, your support network, and your diabetes care team can work together to manage your condition and optimize your health.

There are many technologies and devices available to people with diabetes today — and even more options on the horizon. It may seem daunting to take it all in. Don’t worry. While it’s true that diabetes technologies can be confusing, especially if you are newly diagnosed, there’s good news: Not only will your healthcare professional recommend technologies that fit your needs and provide you with training to use them, but the diabetes experts at AACE are here to help you on your diabetes technology journey.

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